My friend River West has written a timely and important article about America and it's never ending battle with obesity. If River gets her way, we will all end up healthy River has posted her article on Senator Frist's blog Volpac. Good for River.
We recently learned that 2/3 of USA citizens are obese. Never a time like the present to begin correcting that problem. After all you already know what health risks come with being overweight so no need wasting either my time writing or your time reading repeating them.....
To start at the beginning find you weight and height in the left-most column and read across the row for that height to the weight of interest. Follow the column of the weight up to the top row that lists the BMI. BMI of 18.5-24.9 is the healthy weight range, BMI of 25-29.9 is the overweight range, and BMI of 30 and above is in the obese range:
ch3fig2 2weightchart.jpg
(click here to view the chart)
Now you know. To maintain body weight in healthy range balance calories from foods and beverages with calories expended. To prevent gradual weight gain over time make smaller decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activity.....Get preventive screenings and make healthy choices....
At least choose to move your body every day and select the foods recommended. 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups ( nine servings) of vegetable per day. Consume 3 or more oz of whole grain products per day and lastly drink 3 cups per day of fat free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk product.
Ever wonder what is in your food? Here is a chart of Vitamins A, C, Folate , Potassium, E, Iron and Calcium.
A = bright orange vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes/and products, red sweet pepper, leafy green such as spinach, collards, turnips greens, kale beets, mustard greens, green leafy lettuce and romaine. Orange fruits like mango, cantaloupe, apricots and red/pink grapefruit are good for you.
C = citrus fruits and juices, kiwi, strawberries, guava, papaya and more cantaloupe. Broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage (especially Chinese cabbage, brussels sprouts, and potatoes, more leafy greens. You know the routine.
Folate = cooked dry beans and peas, oranges/oj, deep green leaves like spinach and mustard greens.
Potassium = (makes your neurons fire so you can run and jump and think) cranberries and cranberry juice, baked white/sweet potatoes, cooked greens, winter squash (orange), bananas, plantains, dried fruits, oj, cantaloupe / honey dew melons, cooked dry beans, soybeans, tomato products, beet greens.
Whole Grain = Wheat flour is much more healthy than enriched white flour. Wheat flour includes more dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and iron. Besides breads think wild rice. oatmeal, buckwheat rye, millet, sorghum and popcorn too.
E = ready to eat cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, pine and brazil nuts, peanut butter, tomato puree/sauce, avocado, carrot juice, dandelion greens and more spinach, sardine, crab and herring. Cooking oils like olive (extra light in pancake and cake batter works great) , corn, peanut and canola are good for you.
Iron = clams, oysters, organ meats, instant cooked and ready to eat cereals, soybean, pumpkin/squash seeds, white beans, blackstrap molasses, lentils, spinach, kidney beans, sardines, chickpeas, duck, lamb, beef, ground beef, prune juice, and shrimp.
Calcium = if it looks like a cow and walks like a cow and sloshes like a cow eat and drink it.....also sardines, tofu, pink salmon, collards, molasses, spinach, soybeans, turnip greens, perch, oatmeal, white beans, kale, okra, blue crab. rainbow trout, yogurt, all cheese, and milk.
Did you know if only 10% of citizens walked regularly America could save $5.6 billion in costs related to heart select exercises that fit your pace but include 1) increasing your heart rate, 2) stretching for flexibility and 3) range of motion, 4) muscular strength, and muscle endurance. The latter could include playing tag with the kids, decorating a Christmas tree, yard work, dancing, walking, jogging and/or bicycling.
I neither mentioned cutting back on tobacco product nor for goodness sakes stopping substance abuse. Dont have to do I? You know.
No moaning! Think American ingenuity – think creatively when planning your daily activities and menus.....
Here you go now. and a one and a two and a three and a four and a.....