Saturday, April 11, 2009

George W. Bush - Enjoying Life

The Washington Post has a nice story about my favorite President George W. Bush. He and Mrs. Bush are enjoying a quiet life in their new home. They have certainly earned the right to enjoy life. Thank you Mr. President. We miss you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Huck PAC is Looking For A Few Good People

Governor Huckabee and Huck PAC have formed a national grassroots organization called "Team Huck." The purpose of Team Huck is to find and support solid Republican conservative candidates around the country. We are looking for candidates that support conservative principles - the sanctity of life, the 2nd Amendment, the FairTax, Marriage between one man and one woman, smaller government, fiscal responsibility. Mike Huckabee has a vision of creating a national grassroots organization, one that will have coordinators in all fifty states, and leaders in every county.

Team Huck is the culmination of that vision. If you are worried about the direction of government today, it is time to stand up and be counted. Get involved. Don't just stand on the sidelines. We no longer have the luxury of being the silent majority. The very fiber of the country we all love is threatened. It seems that the attacks are coming from all sides, fast and furious. Three states now recognize same sex marriages. Despite promises to decrease taxes for the middle class, it is now apparent that the Obama Administration will be increasing many taxes - taxes that will affect the middle class and the poor more than they will affect the wealthy. The Second Amendment is under attack once again, as the radical left moves to take away every American's right to own guns. Government is moving radically to take control of our lives, from cradle to grave.

Spending is out of control. The deficit is now measured in trillions, not billions, and no one in the Obama Administration seems to notice. Join Team Huck, make a difference. Together we can change the future of our country. Doing nothing and standing on the sidelines is no longer an option. If you are willing to help , leave a comment here, and we will contact you, or join the Volunteers.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Salena Zito Writes About the Death of Card Check

Salena Zito, one of the better journalists, writes about the status of the "Card Check" Bill. Ms. Zito points out that when Senator Arlen Specter said "No" even to voting for cloture on the card check bill, and took Senator Diane Feinstein with him, he effectively killed the Card Check Bill, in its existing form. Now Lanny Davis and some progressive CEO's have come up with what they view as a compromise to the Card Check legislation. Their proposal, which would maintain the secret ballot, seems destined for failure, since Richard Trumka, the powerful head of the United Mine Workers has already said "No Way."

Harry Reid - Headed for Defeat?

There is an interesting story about Harry Reid in the Las Vegas Review Journal. The question the paper asks is one that proved the undoing of Tom Daschle in 2004. Are the people of Nevada stupid if they don't vote for the powerful Harry Reid? The answer is NO!! Harry Reid has accomplished very little for the residents of Nevada. His power and influence seems to be limited to Washington D.C. and Capitol Hill. We can only hope that the people who count in Nevada - the voters - recognize the danger of sending Horrible Harry back to Washington, where he will embarrass the state even more.