Monday, September 24, 2007


As a senior citizen, I find myself paying particular attention to the position of the various Presidential candidates on an issue that is very important to me – health care. I have read Hillary Clinton’s health care plan from cover to cover. I have also read the plans of other candidates such as Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Mitt Romney.

As a conservative Republican, I want no part of universal health care, so I immediately rejected Hillary’s, Barack’s, and Edward’s plan. Mitt Romney’s plan also was not what I was looking for. As I began to research the various other candidates, I kept coming back to one person, Governor Mike Huckabee. Why? Aside from the fact that Governor Huckabee is an extremely attractive candidate to me as a genuine conservative republican candidate, his view on health care are exactly what I am looking for. I believe that health care will be one of the top five issues in the Presidential campaign, and how the candidates handle it will determine the future of health care in America.

I like what Governor Huckabee says, and find myself agreeing with him on most important health care issues. Governor Huckabee, like most Americans, recognizes that the health care system in this country is irrevocably broken. I also firmly support his statement that we don’t need universal health care, what we do need is to get serious about preventive health care. Americans weigh too much. We need to get our children off of the sofas, away from the computers and onto the athletic fields. That is an important start. We also need to refocus our attention in our schools on getting our kids fit. Physical fitness can be taught in school, as can healthy eating habits.

I believe as does Governor Huckabee, that an effort such as this in our school systems will pay dividends in healthier children, and subsequently healthier adults. Once we get serious about preventive health care, such as exercise and healthy eating habits, we will find that the billions of dollars now being spent on chronic disease will be drastically reduced.

I also agree strongly with Governor Huckabee’s statement that we need to reform medical liability. This, in my opinion, is one of the major hurdles to affordable health care. Our legal system is out of control, and we need to find a way to get rid of frivolous lawsuits and cap outrageous jury awards. We also need to get health care record keeping into the 21st century. Being able to take your health insurance with you when you change jobs is another important issue to me. But perhaps the most important issue that I find myself in complete agreement with Governor Huckabee about is I don’t want the government in charge of my health care. I want the consumer to have control over and be in charge of their own health care. Deciding who your doctor is going to be and what treatment you will receive is of vital importance to me.

Of all the candidates I have listened to on this very important issue, Governor Huckabee has it right.

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