Sunday, September 23, 2007


Real Tax Reform Please

Though it is true our present tax code is convoluted and far too high I see nothing fair-minded about the proposed ‘fair tax’ either. Both are a rouĂ©!
Americans For Fair wish to levy a tax that collects 23 cents on every dollar spent is outrageous....Do they realize how many times a single dollar exchanges hands every day? Or how many times a single product changes hands every day as well?

Let us compare their idea this way....... Keeping in mind the Gross National Income indicates the majority of citizens earn $39,452.74 per lets go shopping.....A purchase of $10.00 worth of groceries would need an additional $2.30 to cover the Federal ‘fair tax’ plus a city sales tax of 7 or 8 cents per one dollar as well. That almost equals the price of a gallon of milk or one gallon of gasoline?

....or how about considering $100.00 of groceries purchased gleans $31.00 in Federal ‘fair tax’ and the city tax making the total tax equal a half of a tank of gasoline..... say nothing of all the middle men who touch a product each paying said per dollar....No Thank You. There is nothing fair here. The Americans For Fair still grows the government richer while hurting more citizens.

We do not even know the effect this Federal ‘fair tax’ will have on the Gross National Product (GND)....which under the present horrible income tax shows the GNP per capita $.84 per $1.00. The ‘fair tax’ supporters made no mention of city, school districts, county and state property taxes which must also be subtracted from ones annual income.

Though I certainly want a well staffed and funded federal government we must remember we Republicans expect both tax cuts and cuts in government spending regardless of the tax collection system used. However taxes to fund said must be fair to everyone.......Were they suggesting a quarter of a cent on $10.00 spent perhaps I might consider their arrogance.....

....the ‘fair tax” flaunted implication is that one could spent as much as or as little as one wanted but I fear that attitude in its self has the potential to decrease the economy's growth quite rapidly. That is not fair either.

Think less tax – Less control - Less government spending – with fewer programs funded by all government agencies...including state, county and city....

....not less spending by our citizenry but less taxation!

Written by river west, iFrist Volunteer Leader

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